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Glissando Publication 2 - June 2014

In this issue we meet James Markey, bass trombonist of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, while Alwyn Green has a ‘bone to pick’. We have the latest news from the BTS National day in Manchester, plus we look at coping with tinnitus with Jackie Grace. Vidar Nordli talks about his win at the recent European Brass Band Championships solo event, and then have a quick round of questions for the one and only Christian Lindberg. We stay in Scandinavia to meet Grethe Tonheim as she retires from the amazing Eikanger-Bjørsvik Musikklag near Bergen, while Gordon Campbell and Ben Van Dijk give us their ‘top notes’ and Chuck Wilson presents some trombone history. Alex Isles looks back over his varied career, we have repertoire advice from Andrew Lankford, we hear from the viral sensation that is Trevor Smith and David Bremner gives us an update on the trombone scene in New Zealand.

Brett Baker
June 2014

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